Sitting With My Thoughts: A Late Political submission
I mean this with my whole heart, y’all get the quarantine period to be sad and upset about the Democratic Presidential Race. You also have this time to start researching who’s gonna be on the ballots in your state in the next few months. From local to state to national. You get this time to research any upcoming bills and things. See what kinda job the public officials in your city and state have been doing. And search for reputable candidates you think can replace them. I REFUSE, REFUSE to deal with a blogger four years of folks trying to raise the price of my existence. I’m gonna take my time cause Florida got til August before the next batch of elections. Sometimes change takes time. I know it’s coming, but we gotta stop throwing pity parties for months on end when things don’t go our way. Please. I’m not a political activist, I’m not trying to work in politics either. I ain’t want that stress. I’m just a regular degular anxious ass human woman. I just want to know that fu...