What We Reading: Current Reading, Recently Finished and Anxiety Stalled
Hi Hi, how we been y'all? So I been meaning to update y'all on my reading adventures for YEARS now. Heck, the first post on this blog was a list of books I wanted to read. Sidebar: I definitely never got around to reading ANY of those books. However, ya girl kinda fell by the wayside in more recent years when it comes to reading. Life, adulthood, work, school, and much much more simply got in the way. But slowly but surely I am making my way back to my first love and hobby. Now I'm still not at my high school reading level ( How in the sweet Jesus was I reading 5-10 books a week? ) Now I have a bad habit these days of going into either a physical bookstore or my Kindle bookstore and browsing the books. Then I have an even worse habit of buying like 5 books at a time and not reading a single one. You should have seen my nightstand last year before I got these bookshelves. But I am rambling, as usual. So without much fanfare here is what I'm currently reading. A Duke, ...